How Your Personal Injury Compensation Is Affected By Taxes

Just about all income you earn is subject to Internal Revenue Service (IRS) rules. If you've been injured in a car accident, however, you should be concerned about how the IRS treats lawsuit winnings and settlements too. Since taxes can greatly impact the compensation you get, knowing what to expect before you agree to a settlement or file a lawsuit is vital. Read on so that you can consider the tax consequences of your compensation along with your accident losses.

Past Job Skills And SSDI: What To Know

When you are no longer able to work at your job, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) can help. The Social Security Administration (SSA), a government agency, pays those who cannot work a monthly payment. This benefit is difficult to get and it can take a long time for applications to be processed. In addition to proving that you cannot work at your most recent job, you must also show that you cannot do some other jobs in your past work history.

Why Are There Different Standards of Proof in Some Fields Of Law?

One of the most surprising things for folks unfamiliar with the law to learn is that different fields of law often times have different standards of proof. If you're familiar with any of the standards used, it's probably the burden of proof for the prosecution in a criminal case. This is the so-called "beyond a shadow of a doubt" standard. Let's take a look at three of the standards you or someone you know might come into contact with at some point.

What You Need To Know About Child Custody After A Divorce

When you have children and plan to get a divorce, child custody decisions have to be made. Both you and your spouse have to work through how you want to divide the time with your children, which of you will be responsible for decisions, child support, and the like. To fully understand what your options are, it is crucial to understand the process of child custody. The following are some things you need to know:

How Victims Can Find The Right Truck Accident Lawyer

Getting involved in an accident with a commercial truck can be pretty brutal considering the added amount of weight and force involved. If you believe the trucker is at fault and were significantly injured because of their negligence, hire a truck accident lawyer. Finding the right one will be a breeze thanks to these tips.  Make Sure They Have Specialty Experience There are a lot of personal injury attorneys with general practices.