What Questions Will Be Asked When Determining Child Custody?

If you are going through a divorce that involves a custody battle, you may rely on a judge to make the final decision for you. It is a good idea to know what kind of questions you'll be asked so that you know what to expect, since a judge uses this information to help determine which parent should be awarded physical custody. Being With The Child A judge is going to look at how much time you can expect to spend with the child when you factor in other commitments.

Prepping For Your Divorce Trial: The Deposition

Divorces are often emotional and contentious ordeals. There are always going to those couples who work things out without having to have the judge step in. Many couples, however, don't agree on one or more important issues like child custody or property splits. When litigation enters the picture, things take longer because it now involves the court system. Not all divorces call for a deposition, but many do and it pays to be prepared for it by knowing what to expect.

Law Services For Domestic Violence Victims

Domestic violence has been and continues to be a serious problem. According to the Domestic Abuse Center, which operates a batterer intervention program, approximately 36,000 domestic assaults are reported each year. If you or someone you know has been the victim of domestic violence, you are not alone, and help is available. The first thing you need to do is to ensure the safety of yourself and your family, and then retain the law services of an attorney with experience in domestic violence cases to make sure your rights are protected.

How Different Types of Property Are Handled During a Divorce

The divorce process imposes a lot of challenges, and many of the stickiest of the practical issues tend to involve property. Let's take a look at three different kinds of property and how a divorce lawyer may encourage you to handle them. Real Estate and Mortgages If there is a clear title for the property and no debt against it, a piece of real estate will be treated like any other asset during a divorce.

Understanding The Difference Between Reckless And Aggressive Driving

Being charged with reckless driving can lead to serious consequences, but what's even worse is when you are charged with aggressive driving. You might be wondering what the difference is between each charge as you work with a traffic violation lawyer to have your charges reduced or dismissed. Characteristics of Each Charge Reckless driving has a vague definition. You must be aware of risks associated with driving in a particular manner but choose to take those risks anyway.